The best reference for a patient is the experience of former patients and the visible patient outcome. While some of our patients find us via the internet, some of them reach us through the references of their friends. The experience of their friends, their satisfaction with the process, and their visible good results enable them to make quick decisions without looking anywhere else. When this is the case, we would like to thank our old and satisfied patients for their natural support. That’s why we developed the amazing “Suggest & Win” system as a result of brainstorming with our team.

The “Suggest & Win” system was built on very simple logic and will serve you, our patients, like a piggy bank. Every patient who will come because of you will come back to you as a service gain. What you need to do is very simple. Let’s explain how this system will benefit you. Please read the steps below carefully and contact us!

 First Step! 1.

To shoot your video in the horizontal format in accordance with the following rules in accordance with Youtube format;

  • Introduce yourself
  • Indicate from which country you are visiting Turkey
  • Give information about the service provided in the pre-operation process and talk about your satisfaction
  • Tell us about the process (consultation, surgery, post-operative situation, etc.) and your satisfaction when you came to Turkey for the operation.
  • Describe your post-operative situation and how you are still in contact with our company
  • Finally, please indicate what advantage it is for new patients to progress in this process with our company.
  • The last sentence: Thank you New Look Guide!

Second step! 2.

If you have completed your video, contact us using the contact now button below. Our team will return to you, especially for this service. What you need to do is very simple. It is to send the video to us by following the instructions of the team that will contact you.

Third Step! 3.

The received video will be uploaded to our youtube channel and linked to our system with a special link for you. Thanks to this video, your service income will be processed for each patient who has reached us and decided to have an operation and will be calculated and presented to you at the end of each month.

Here’s what to do is very simple. It’s that simple to get your surgery for free in a short time. If you are ready to be a supporter of our company, contact us immediately!

Our team will inform you about the details.