Breast augmentation is the procedure to enlarge and fill the breasts. It is done for patients that have smaller breasts compared to their proportions. Doctors use breast tissue and implants for breast augmentation.
Any patient above the age of 18 can have this procedure. At the end of this procedure, patients feel much more confident and attractive. We accommodate many patients around the globe who consult & trust before booking their operation and flying to Turkey.
We’ll get into more detail in the following paragraphs and answer commonly asked questions about breast augmentation.
Options In Breast Augmentation Operations
There are two options to enlarge breasts medically. The first one is using implants which gives us the option of choosing from different materials in today’s technology. The second method is injecting fat into the area.
Operation Process: Before, During & After
First things first, the patient’s medical background and vitals are checked. Patients need to take a break from smoking and aspirin (if they’re regularly taking any). The patient takes anesthesia before everything else.
Then a slit is cut and the appropriate size of the implant is inserted. While all this is happening, the milk ducts are not harmed. Silicones are the most common implants used in breast augmentation surgeries. They are approved by the FDA for this purpose.
Once the patient wakes up and goes back home, she should take care of the operated area and use all her medicine prescribed by the doctor. She should avoid lifting heavy objects and sudden moves.
It is possible to experience slight pain and swelling. The prescribed medications will help. The patient should also avoid sleeping on her stomach for a period of time.
It takes about a week and a half to go back to routine. However, a few months need to pass for breasts to come to their desired position and shape. Also, smoking should be avoided for a while because it negatively affects the speed of recovery.
Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation
-Do I Lose Strength On My Arms If The Implants Are Inserted Under The Muscle?
No, the implants do not cause strength loss if they’re inserted under the muscle. However, if the patient is a heavy lifter or bodybuilder, it is not preferred.
-How Later Can I Fly Back After Breast Augmentation Operation?
The implants do not have air bubbles in them, therefore they won’t cause a problem regarding barometric pressure. It’s possible for patients to travel by plane a few days after the operation.
-Can The Silicone Implants Burst Or Change Form?
In breast augmentation operations, only the FDA-approved material is used. Therefore the possibility of a burst is very small. The first look after the operation may be different than expected due to edema. The breast will come to the desired shape in a few days.
-Is It Possible To Develop Allergies Against Silicone Implants?
The implants do not contain anything that can harm the body. However, at the end, it is an outside object, inserted in. Therefore, the risk of allergy is a small possibility.
-Do I Have To Change The Silicone Implants?
Newly developed implants can be used for a lifetime if they don’t get exterior damage. Other implants have approximately 10 years of use.
-Will I Have A Scar After Breast Augmentation Operation?
During the operation, an incision will be made under the breast and they won’t be visible. The redness around the incision will go away in a few days after the operation.
-Is There A Loss Of Sense After Breast Augmentation Operations?
This is a very small possibility and usually temporary. A permanent loss of sense can only be probable if the size of the implants is too large.
-Do Breast Implants Cause Cancer?
Breast implants do not contain harmful materials therefore they don’t have the risk of causing cancer and similar diseases.
-Breast Augmentation: Before or After Breastfeeding
Milk ducts are protected during the operation, therefore breast augmentation operation doesn’t affect breastfeeding. If you are already breastfeeding, in order to avoid any complications, it is advised to wait around 6 months.
-Can Breasts Sag After The Operation?
Not if the operation is done by professional surgeons. Otherwise, improper procedures and low-quality implants can cause sagging.
-Can Breast Implants Correct Asymmetrical Looks?
Yes, breast implants can also be used for making both breasts look equal.
-Will I Have A Drainage Tube During The Operation?
This can depend on the operation circumstances so the correct answer can only be given by the surgeon.
-Can I Still Have Breast Scans After Breast Augmentation?
The operation doesn’t come in the way of ant scans.
-Will My Breasts Look Lifted After The Operation?
Yes. As the silicone implants are inserted; they give both a fuller and a lifted look.
-Can I Remove The Implants Later?
It is possible to remove silicone implants. However the breasts will be emptied, therefore they will sag. We advise all our patients to think wisely about removing breast implants.
-What Are The Risks Of Breast Augmentation Operations?
There are very small risks of this operation such as implant burst and contracture.
-What Are The Types Of Implants Used In Breast Augmentation?
We can divide them into two groups. First being silicone-gel implants and the second, being saline implants. They have different features.
-What’s The Difference Between Rough & Smooth Silicones?
Capsule contracture is less likely to occur in rough implants. So they get in the way of extraordinary hardness.
Did these questions overwhelm you? They don’t have to. As New Look Guide we’re here to provide you with all the information you need before booking your operation. Our support doesn’t end there as we’ll be with you every step of the way. Our goal is to match our patients with the expert services they need at the best possible price point. We’ll take care of your travel arrangements, doctor examinations, hospital visits, and all the things you can imagine coming up while flying to another country for medical reasons.
Breast Augmentation Turkey Prices 2022
The prices depend on the method, the material of the implants, the hospital, and the doctor. So, the proper pricing can be obtained after the doctor’s examination.
Breast augmentation turkey prices 2022 you can contact us for information about.