Kelly Osbourne lost 85 pounds with Gastric Sleeve!

Kelly Osbourne. Photo From: KELLY OSBOURNE/INSTAGRAM

Gastric Sleeve operation, which is very trendy today, has become a very important operation for people who want to open a new page in their lives. The concept of obesity, which is a result of bad eating habits that we have developed recently, has become a major health problem in many countries of the world.

Many celebrities have started to become kelly osbourne gastric sleeve secretly or by reflecting on the press for exactly this reason. Kelly Osbourne also had Gastric Sleeve surgery four years ago to feel better and protect her health.

The 38-year-old reality star revealed that she lost 85 pounds of weight. She said that she had Gastric Sleeve because she felt bad both psychologically and physiologically because of her excess weight.

“I had surgery; I don’t care what anyone has to say,” Osbourne told hosts Dax Holt and Adam Glyn on the “Hollywood Raw” podcast in response to plastic surgery rumors. “I did a sleeve gastrectomy. All it does is change the shape of your stomach. I got this almost two years ago. I’ll never, ever lie about it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Kelly Osbourne emphasized that Gastric Sleeve surgery requires a complete lifestyle change.

“It’s the kind of surgery I’ve had… if you don’t exercise and you don’t eat right, you gain weight. All it does is get you in the right direction,” she said. “So, anyone thinking of doing something like this should really think about it.”

Kelly Osbourne. Photo From: KELLY OSBOURNE/INSTAGRAM


“I had to do a year of stand-alone therapy to prepare myself for the surgery before I even had it,” she said. “What people don’t realize is, it cuts out this hormone that if you have addiction issues, it stops your craving and it makes you not emotionally eat, which is a huge problem for me. … All it is, is a push in the right direction. It doesn’t solve all your problems. It’s not a quick fix.”

Kelly Osbourne. Photo From: KELLY OSBOURNE/INSTAGRAM

And Osbourne stated that psychologically preparing herself for this situation was the only way she could successfully lose weight.

“The number one thing I had to do was get happy. I had to fix my head before I could fix my body,” she said. “You can never go into this if you’re not in a good mindset.”

Osbourne also stated that she quit drinking after the surgery and called it “the best thing I’ve ever done.”

“I really wanted to fix the things that were broken in me,” she added. “I’m not perfect. I still make a lot of mistakes. I have bumps in the road, I fall down, I get back up again.”

Kelly Osbourne. Photo From: KELLY OSBOURNE/INSTAGRAM

She lost 85 pounds after the Gastric Sleeve, which she said was done just for herself.

“This has been two years of me working on this. Figuring out if I wanted to be in this [Hollywood] industry, figuring out if I was even capable of even losing this weight,” she continued. “I did, and I figured out I wanted to keep going. I didn’t do this for anyone. It was a long process, and now I’m here and everybody is noticing”

Kelly Osbourne. Photo From: KELLY OSBOURNE/INSTAGRAM

Osbourne stated that this change did not happen in a short time and that people could not immediately realize that he had a Gastric Sleeve. People thought her face was thinner because of the injections she had in her chin.

After a while, Osbourne said that her chin started to look thinner, and then people realized that not only her chin, but also the shape of her whole body began to change, and they realized that she lost weight.

Speaking to people who ignore her when she’s overweight, Osbourne has announced that she will absolutely not allow this situation anymore.

Kelly Osbourne is also very angry with Hollywood. She explained that they really ignored her when she was overweight. Osbourne stated that she wants to continue working with people who appreciate her before or after the Gastric Sleeve.

“Looking back now, I know exactly who I’m working with and who I’m not. Because I know who calls me fat, I also know who doesn’t want to work with me. I know very well who said it,” she said. “I have really thick skin, but I take that and put it in my memory bank. I remember what you said about me, and that’s the best revenge.”